Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Before & After

As you all know, it is snowing... has been snowing all morning. The projected 4-6'' turned into 12-20'' really fast. I won't bore you with a lot of snowy pictures, but I would like to share a few before and after shots.

Abby's snowman (as shown on a previous post) BEFORE

Abby's snowman AFTER

Benjamin's snowman BEFORE

Benjamin's snowman AFTER

Doghouse BEFORE

Doghouse AFTER

So far we have 14'' in some spots and close to 20'' in other.
Probably should have bought more diapers! Let's also not forget that all the BEFORE pictures were the reason for 6 canceled days of school. I have a feeling we will be out for the rest of this week!
Stay warm and cozy everyone.


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